In may 2019 Aloha received a fantastic gift from the Stichting Pieter Bastiaan ( Five kiteboardingsets! The famous brand Duotone offered the kites at costprize and the Stichting Pieter Bastiaan paid this for Aloha. Two Dutch trainees, Sami and Sil, gave kitelessons during ten weeks in may, june and july. After they left we found kiteboardingteacher Wilkison Miranda, the owner of WM Kiteboarding School in Cumbuco to proceed with the lessons. Wilkison has been a kiteboardingteacher for more than 15 years and he has an official diploma of the International Kiteboarding Organisation IKO. Our goal for 2020 is to educate 10 kiteboardingteachers and to find work for them in Cumbuco Aloha = Education!