Hartkoor Aloha van start!

Heerlijk met elkaar zingen onder leiding van een muziekprofessional en dan ook nog een goed doel helpen? Het kan allemaal bij het Hartkoor Aloha! Op 21 juni zijn we van start gegaan met een groep van vijftien enthousiastelingen onder leiding van Elizabeth Cats die haar hele leven al actief is in de muziek. Elizabeth di


Fotoproject Aloha

Vanmiddag hebben we op de school Labyrint in Noordlaren ons eerste Fotoproject Aloha afgerond! Binnen dit project geven drie professionele fotografen van Aloha drie lessen van twee uur aan jongeren op scholen, waarbij de jongeren op een leuke en leerzame manier leren fotograferen. We gaan samen op pad en leggen zo gaan


Follow Aloha (Falohaaaaaa!)

Aloha started as a group of Dutch friends that simply helped their Brazilian friends. Slowly but surely the project grew and the favelatour helps a lot to show our project to people that visit Brazil. We have a growing group of people that help Aloha by donating their time and their money. Daily we're giving an update


Since the beginning of Aloha we have received donations of the Dutch Foundation 'Waar Ontwikkeling Werkt', freely translated as "Where Development Works". After we told them about the Corona-situation they immediately started a fundraising campaign; this morning Aloha received € 1.112,50 that Aloha will use to buy f



Due to Corona the sports- and education-activities of Aloha are cancelled until the virus is under control. We continue to feed the Alohakids in two ways: three times a week we cook for the kids ánd we hand out 'cestas básicas': food packages that we give to the families that need it the most.


Girl Power

Today Alie from Holland gave the Aloha-girls a special workshop on girl power! The base of the workshop was love and respect: finding and feeling the powers that every woman has inside. Alie was happy to see that the Aloha-girls really opened up, telling about the power that each of the girls already felt inside. Resp


Know your Human Rights

Today the Aloha got visited by two social workers of CUCA that talked about human rights. For the fourth time there was a vivid conversation about the rights of every human being, and how important these rights are while growing up and living in the Barra do Ceará. A perfect example of how Aloha works together with o


Jiu Jitsu started the new year

After the holidays in Brazil today the Jiu Jitsu-group started the new year as strong as before the holidays with 25 youngsters. It’s great to see that there’s a stable group of Alohakids that visit the project and enjoy the sport as well as a healthy meal.


Thanks Pieter Bastiaan!

In may 2019 Aloha received a fantastic gift from the Stichting Pieter Bastiaan (www.pieterbastiaan.nl): Five kiteboardingsets! The famous brand Duotone offered the kites at costprize and the Stichting Pieter Bastiaan paid this for Aloha. Two Dutch trainees, Sami and Sil, gave kitelessons during ten weeks in may, june


Families receive Foodpackage

During the Favelatour we visit families of the Alohakids. As a ’thank you!’ for their hospitality the families receive a foodpackage, paid with the money of the Favelatour. Thank you families and thank you tourists!