It’s 2020 and there are still kids that go to bed on an empty stomach. Aloha tries to give healthy food to as many of them as possible!
Aloha organizes charity events in Holland and a Favela Tour in Brazil to sustain the project. Feel free to help us or contact us.
It’s 2020 and there are still kids that go to bed on an empty stomach. Aloha tries to give healthy food to as many of them as possible!
With English classes Alohakids can find jobs in tourism in many places in and around Fortaleza
Aloha uses sports like surfing, jiu jitsu and soccer to educate and to simply have a good time together!
After every lesson the kids receive a healthy meal
Speaking English means it’s easier to find a job as a kiteboardingteacher or in hotels and restaurants in and around Fortaleza
Interested in doing an internship in Brazil? Please contact us!
Already more than 50 youngsters visit our project
The so-called Tatami, the mattress the kids play on, was donated by a Dutch businessman that visited the project
The project keeps growing so please help us to help more people from this favela
iban NL53INGB0006865114
swift code INGBNL2A
‘Stichting Aloha Foundation’
KvK 62862294
In the Netherlands Aloha has an ‘ANBI-status’; contact us if you want to know more about tax deduction.